

St. Cloud State University recognizes the need to provide an engaging residential campus experience for students and ensure adequate staff on campus to support effective university operations, however, some positions at St. Cloud State University can be successfully completed via telework while still maintaining service excellence. Telework is not a one size fits all and may not be appropriate for all positions.

St. Cloud State University supports the strategic value and benefits of accommodating flexible work arrangements to increase the employee’s workplace experience and increasing recruitment and retention of valued staff. Allowing the ability to telework will continue to be balanced with ensuring an engaging on campus experience for students, visitors and employees.

While striving to provide equal opportunities to all employees when it comes to working situations, it is recognized not all positions have the ability or will be appropriate for telework.


Regular, recurring telework at St. Cloud State University is governed by the Telework-Full Telework or Hybrid Policy.

This policy does not replace the Short-Term Telework Policy, which covers occasional telework for specific situations.


The telework policy includes flowcharts to help make telework determinations, and a telework form to help make the final determination as to whether or not telework is appropriate by policy for the position. HR has also developed the guidance below to assist employees and supervisors with making an initial determination as to whether telework may be an option.

Section 1 - Position Eligibility Questions for Telework

1. Can the work of the office/department and the individual position be accomplished remotely?

2. If this position is allowed to telework, will there be an increase in work for other employees?

3. Is IT hardware/software/other non-IT equipment available that will allow the employee to accomplish all of their available tasks? This includes access to specialized software and systems, such as a remote desktop protocol [RDP] or specialized MinnState systems or equipment.

4. Can the employee remotely attend all required meetings, and maintain adequate remote communication with others, in order to allow for the successful completion of the work?

5. Do other employees frequently work closely together with this position?

6. Are there clear goals for the position, which can be easily measured even in a teleworking situation?

7. Does the position regularly directly interact in person (not online) with students or other employees? Are they often a first point of contact for campus interactions? If so, do the customers require in-person assistance for a good customer experience?

8. If this position supervises student workers or other employees, do they have supervisory responsibilities that require them to be in person?

9. Can all of the work activities and goals for this position be accomplished while teleworking?

10. Does this position work with private or privileged data?

Section 2 - Employee Eligibility Questions for Telework

1. Do you have concerns about the employee’s work performance?

2. Does this employee work independently and manage their own priorities?

3. Has the employee had any disciplinary action that may be related to/impact telework?

4. Did the employee’s last performance review have a rating of “meets expectations” or better?

5. Has the employee been placed on any kind of improvement plan/letter of expectations since their last performance review?

6. Does the employee have the communication skills to enable them to successfully telework?

7. Does the employee have access to a non-distracting environment to telework, and access to a reliable Internet connection?

Telework Responsibilities



Complete the Supervisor Considerations portion of the telework form.

Complete the Non-supervisor portions of the telework form.

Review the telework form and policy, and determine whether telework is a good fit for the position, the employee, and whether it will serve the university and our customers well.

Work with supervisor to develop mitigation plans for any concerns raised during completion of the telework form. Set up and review your telework space if telework is approved. 

If telework is approved, issue employee MMB HR/LR policy #1422 and review with the employee.

Sign the telework form once your supervisor reviews the form with the employee. Review MMB HR/LR policy #1422.

Notify HR if the employee will work outside of Minnesota, or if employee moves out of Minnesota.

Notify both supervisor and HR if you move outside of Minnesota.

Submit the completed telework form (whether or not it is approved) to HR.

Work with your supervisor to obtain any necessary equipment or supplies, and to implement any mitigation steps/training or development plans identified by your supervisor.

Set clear goals and expectations for telework employee. Establish clear deliverables.

Keep your supervisor updated on performance goal completion. Let your supervisor know any obstacles/issues you’re encountering with meeting goals or expectations.

Schedule and maintain regular check-ins and communication with the employee.

Attend scheduled check-ins/meetings with supervisor. Keep your supervisor updated on goals progress, any work issues, and any distractions/obstacles.

Monitor performance to ensure employee is achieving all goals and completing all needed work under telework arrangement. Address any performance issues. Provide ongoing coaching and feedback.

Advise supervisor of any issues you’re encountering. Work with your supervisor to address any performance gaps they identify. Follow the schedule and guidelines established for telework.

Hold to deliverables and expectations, but also support and encourage the employee while working remotely. Be as flexible as possible while ensuring that the work gets done.

Meet the goals set by the supervisor for the position. Keep your supervisor aware of any difficulties encountered, and work with them to overcome obstacles and deliver on goals. Monitor your own performance to ensure that you are living up to the expectations set by your supervisor for the telework arrangement.

Town Hall

In Fall 2023, HR held a town hall to assist supervisors in understanding the telework policy, and to give information on how to help manage employees who telework. The PowerPoint presentation, which has information on telework that may be of use to all employees, is included below.

View/Download Presentation