Our staff serves many missions, which help keep students, faculty and staff on the leading edge of technology.
ITS Leadership

Mackenzi Brophy
- Executive Assistant to the Vice Presidents for Finance & Administration (CFO) and Technology Strategy (CIO)
Critical Infrastructure and Security
Mike Abrahamson
- Senior Software Development and Integration Lead
Teams only | MC 204
John Davis
- Digital Automation and Web Design Technologist
Teams only | MC 204-5

Karin Duncan
- Information Systems Automation Product Lead
Teams only | MC 204-7

John Herring
- Software Developer/Integration Specialist
Teams only | MC 204

Josh Hjelmstad
- Application and Database Developer
Teams only | MC 204-8

Mike Schomer
- Senior Cloud and Virtual Application Systems Specialist
Teams only | MC 204
Educational Technology Innovations (ETI)
IT Architecture

IT Support Services

Dan Michaels
- Herberger Business School/University College Technology Coordinator
320-308-1040 | CH 438

Project Management Office (PMO)
Manasa Bhupathiraju
- Senior Agile Project Manager and Business Analyst
Teams only | MC 204-K
All ITS staff and student employees will wear their Campus Card as official identification. Students will have their card in a holder on a lanyard while they are in their student employee role.
Please look for this if a technician comes to work on your computer.