Proposal Enhancement Grant
The purpose is to support preliminary research or scholarly project to enhance the expertise needed to be successful in seeking mid-level funding from an external agency. The expected outcome is submission OR resubmission of a competitive grant proposal to an external funding agency in the amount of $25,000 or more within 12 months of the project's completion.
The award ceiling is $8,000, with the average award size of $5,000. Grant activities must be completed within 24 months of the award date.
Awardees must include and complete at least one of the following activities as an aspect of their proposal:- Travel to meet with a Program Officer at funding agency; OR
- Serve as panel reviewer for a grant program; OR
- Work with a mentor to enhance an existing grant proposal or scholarly product
Eligibility requirements
- Applicants must be probationary or tenured St. Cloud State University faculty and staff.
- Applicants may submit one (1) application. If an application is denied, an individual may re-apply during the next submission period, if eligible.
- Individuals with an active Proposal Enhancement Grant are not eligible to apply.
- Applicants must meet eligibility requirements at the time of application, and through the proposed grant activity and potential award period.
Submission instructions and requirements
Deadline: Coming Fall 2025!
Step 1: Review the eligibility requirements and budgetary guideline sections of this webpage for this grant. You can also review the
criteria that the review committee uses by viewing the evaluation
Step 2: Discuss your project and intent to apply with your department chair/director and dean/supervisor as upon submission, your proposal will automatically be routed to them for review and approval. All approvals (signatures) are facilitated electronically in Wizehive and applications will not be considered without all required approvals.
Step 3a: Click on the red "Apply Here" button to login to Wizehive using your StarID.
- For assistance using Wizehive, please click on the red "Wizehive Tutorial" button.
- Wizehive allows you to save your progress as you work on completing your application.
- Do not click the "Submit" button until your application is complete. A complete application includes the finished Application, Estimated Project Budget (download by clicking on the red button above), supporting documents and budget justification items, and, if applicable, Co-PI response(s).
Step 3b: If you have one or more St. Cloud State Co-PI's, you are required to complete a Co-PI Request form for each Co-PI participating in the project. This process will trigger a notification to your Co-PI(s) requiring them to acknowledge participation in the project.
Step 4: If applicable, confirm your Co-PI(s) have completed their Co-PI Request forms. You can confirm this by looking for the green box next their name(s) within the Co-PI Request section of your application.
Step 5: Click on "Submit" to put forward your COMPLETE application for consideration. It must be submitted prior to the posted deadline above or it will not be considered.
- Changes/updates cannot be made once your application is submitted.
- The application will be automatically routed in Wizehive to obtain the necessary approvals (signatures) from your department chair/director and dean/supervisor.
- To ensure timely reviews, it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure department chairs/directors and deans/supervisors know the application is coming.
Step 6: Once your completed application is electronically approved in Wizehive by your department chair/director AND dean/supervisor, your application will be distributed to a review panel for review and consideration. Please note that the review process takes time, so please be patient. Updates will be sent out as soon as the review process is concluded.
DISCLAIMER: Applicants are encouraged to submit their electronic application early to avoid potential access issues. Applications after the deadline will not be considered without official confirmation of campus-wide accessibility/technical outages. Previous versions of application forms will not be considered and will be denied.
Budgetary guidelines
- The budget will be evaluated on how well requested items are connected and justified to accomplish proposed project objectives and activities.
- It is important to include accurate and detailed cost estimates as undefined expenses will not be considered.
- Use appropriate budget categories as defined within the template(s) provided, and include calculation details.
- The budget justification MUST include –
- Concise description of each budget items requested with explanation of why each item is necessary to complete the proposed project.
- Specific cost for items request, including how the amount was calculated.
- If personnel costs* are requested, include responsibilities/duties each individual will complete, and an estimate of time in hours or days.
- *Per Article 10 of the IFO contract, “…as a professional, a faculty member shall devote a substantial amount of the faculty member’s workload to course preparation, research, the maintenance of professional expertise, innovations in teaching/learning and other similar activities” if requesting additional compensation please explain how these responsibilities/duties go beyond the parameters of the scholarly work and research expected of faculty.
Allowable Costs:
- Supplies required for the project (purchases remain property of St. Cloud State University).
- Non-conference travel related to the project.
- Personnel (e.g., clerical/student salary/applicant compensation and fringe costs) up to a total of $2,500.
- Incorporating rigorous opportunities for undergraduate and/or graduate student personnel is highly encouraged.
- Compensation for the applicant can be requested, and applicants must explain how the work effort for the proposed project goes beyond the employee's assigned workload at the University.
- Funds CANNOT be used to reduce the applicant’s workload.
- Personnel should be calculated into the budget as compensation + fringe, and shall not exceed $2,500.
- Other identifiable costs
- If you request compensation for an expert outside of St. Cloud State, you must provide the individual’s credentials, justification for the award, and explanation of your relationship with the individual.
- Purchased services.
Unallowable Costs:
- Conference travel not allowed
- Applicants are encouraged to utilize professional development funds or are welcome to apply for Saigo Excellence Funds when presenting at a conference. Student presenter(s) are eligible to apply to the Student-Mentor Collaboration grant competition.
- Technology that is available for checkout through the University Library or ITS, including computers, laptops, tablets, and printers.
Award selection
- The Scholarship, Research, and Creative Achievement Committee will review the proposals. Funding recommendations are then provided to the Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, who will make the final funding decisions.
- Reviewers may take the following into consideration: the quality of the proposal and the project; the likelihood that the project will be completed; the likelihood that the grant will lead to future external funding; and the likelihood that the project will lead in the foreseeable future to a publication/grant submission or a significant contribution to student learning.
- Proposals are reviewed using the criteria outlined in the Evaluation Rubric in the Grant Instructions section of the Grant Proposal.
- Given proposals of comparable ratings, greater consideration is placed on those applicants who have not received previous funding through this program.
Recipient responsibilities
- Awarded funds are to be used exclusively for the work outlined in the proposal narrative. Any modifications to the proposal must be reported to Research and Sponsored Programs by completing a Modification Form
- Final Report:
- Recipients are responsible for the submission of a Final Report within 60 days after the project’s scheduled completion date.
- The report should clearly demonstrate that the work has moved the applicant toward the submission of a proposal for external funding.
- The following information is collected on the Final Report:
- Project title
- Principal investigator information: email, department, school/college/unit
- Co-Principal investigator information: email, department, school/college/unit
- Project completion date
- Award amount granted and expended
- Activities, measurable goals and objectives achieved by the project
- Benefits of the project
- How funds were spent to support the project
- Outcomes/benefits of the project assisted with your professional development goals
- Project next steps/dissemination plans
Previous recipients
2022 Recipients
John Sinko - $5,520
Physics & Astronomy, "Laser Vaporization Tests of Simulated Orbital Debris in Free Fall"
2021 Recipients
Jennifer Atteberry - $6,612Nursing, “Immersive Simulations to Positively Influence Nursing Students’ Self-Efficacy, Clinical Judgement, and Anxiety”
Matthew Davis - $7,957
Biology, “Investigating the Repeated Evolution of Deep-sea Adaptations in Fishes”
2020 Recipients
Ettien Koffi - $6,946
English, "Comprehensive Documentation o Eotile/Beti: A Critically Endangered Language"
Brittany Williams - $6,368
Educational Leadership & HIgher Education, "A 10-year Content Analysis of U.S. Based HIV/AIDS Related Research Published in Higher Education Journals"
2019 Recipients
Ilya Simakov - $8,000
Theatre and Film Studies, "Chelyabinsk Joy Documentary Project”
2018 Recipients
Matthew Davis - $7,997
Biology, "Evolution of Deep-sea Fishes”
Tirthankar Ghosh and Yi Zheng - $7,454
Computer Science & Information Technology, "Iinvestigating wireless sensor network security and performance with embedded systems”
John Sinko - $5,200
Physics & Astronomy, "Heating Analysis and Crater Metrology for Laser Ablation”
Previous recipients are showcased in RSP’s annual report.