
Our view of the future

The academic rigor and relevance of our engineering and applied science programs along with our holistic approach to developing undergraduate and graduate students with a focus on equity and inclusion, and involvement in innovative community and industrial partnerships distinguishes our students’ experience. We prepare students with the skills needed for the 21st Century and simultaneously enrich the social, cultural and economic development of our region and fulfill our commitment to stewardship of place.

Connections to It's Time

TMIT@SCSU is a major catalyst for the implementation of vital dimensions of It’s Time framework:

  • Focus on the rigor, relevance, responsiveness and sustainability of the SCSU program portfolio in Engineering, and Integrative and Applied Science.
  • Applied research and innovation and their synergistic role to enrich a culture of teacher-scholar faculty, to provide students with an effective tool for developing life-long-learning abilities and to fulfill our commitment to stewardship of place through technology-driven socioeconomic enrichment of our community.
  • Prioritizing Diversity Equity and Inclusion through SCSU’s unique leadership in attracting international students and our growing diversity of domestic students interested in these disciplines.
  • Vitality of illuminating, growing and expanding areas of SCSU distinctiveness in science, engineering and technology and the integration of technology and knowledge discoveries arising from these efforts across the institution.
  • Excellence in aligning programs with 21st Century career options and boosting of student preparedness for success in those careers.
  • Integration of Liberal Education in the curriculum with competencies required to appropriately integrate, apply, and focus technological and applied knowledge to promote the students’ professional development, overall quality of life, and participation as a citizen in this digital age.