Contract Signing and Approval Process
Only individuals with an approved delegation of authority are authorized to sign contracts. This authority is delegated by the President and filed in the Office of Finance & Administration.
Contracts must be prepared on forms approved by the State's Office of the Attorney General to ensure they include all required state contract language. Any modification to forms approved by the Office of the Attorney General or the use of non-system office forms requires review by the Office of the Attorney General and approval from the Vice Chancellor-Chief Financial Officer.
In conjunction with the Minnesota State System Office, St. Cloud State University implemented a policy effective January 1, 2020, requiring all contracts to be processed through the Marketplace Contract Module. Do not sign any contract until it has been submitted to the Purchasing Office and completed all workflow approvals through the Contract Module. We strongly recommend using the templates in Marketplace to minimize review time and ensure the most up-to-date language is being used. If vendors are unable to use the templates or refuse to sign via DocuSign, we can still process the contract through the Marketplace Contract Module via a manual process. All contracts should be sent to the Purchasing Department in Word format if possible. Contracts should not be scanned and sent to the Purchasing Department. The vendor should provide an electronic version.
If you do not have access to Marketplace or its contract module, please submit the Contract Request Form to your Administrative Specialist or to William Buck at Contact William Buck for training opportunities related to the Marketplace contract module.
Contracts in Marketplace
- Clinical Agreement
- Clinical Memorandum of Agreement - Medical Laboratory Technician & Phlebotomy Programs
- Clinical Memorandum of Agreement - Nursing & Other Allied Health Programs
- Clinical Memorandum of Agreement - Nursing & Other Allied Health Programs AMENDMENT
- Clinical Memorandum of Agreement - Paramedic Programs
- Executive Search Agreement
- Facilities Agreement
- Facilities Use Agreement (for use of St. Cloud State University space)
- Facilities Use Agreement (Campus to Campus)
- Facilities Use Agreement (MN Agency or Board)
- Facilities Use Agreement (Multi-Facilities)
- Facilities Use Agreement (Off-Campus)
- Facilities Use Agreement (with University of Minnesota)
- Goods Contract
- Grant Contract
- Guest Lecture under $3000 - school determined low risk
- Hotel Contract
- Income Contract
- Inter-Agency Agreement (with other State of MN Agencies)
- Intra-Agency Agreement (Between 2 or more MN State Institutions)
- Intra-Agency Agreement
- Intra-Agency Agreement (Shared Employee)
- Intra-Agency Amendment (NOT valid for Shared Employees)
- IT Agreement
- IT Maintenance Agreement
- IT Master Agreement
- Software Agreement
- Telecommunications Agreements (Voice/Data, NOT MN IT)
- Joint Powers Agreement
- Lease Agreement (Real Property)
- Lease - Campus to Campus
- Lease - Minnesota State as Landlord
- Lease - MN State as Tenant with Leasehold Improvements
- Lease - MN State as Tenant without Leasehold Improvements
- Lease - Ownership Transfer
- Maintenance/Service Master Agreement
- Memorandum of Agreement
- Nursing Agreement
- Services (Including P/T, NOT Construction)
- Services
- Services Amendment
- Student Training Experience Internship Agreement
- Student Training Experience/Internship (Non-Allied Health Programs)
- Vehicles & Motorized Equipment Purchase, Lease or Rental