Business Services | Student Financial Services

Important Dates

Payment and Fee Dates & Deadlines - Full Term Courses

Payment and Fee Dates & Deadlines for Full Term Courses
  Summer 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025
Bookstore Charging Available Apr. 24, 2024 - May 14, 2024 (online thru May 13, 2024) Aug. 5, 2024 - Aug. 29, 2024 (online thru Aug. 27, 2024) Dec. 13, 2024 - Jan. 16, 2025 (online thru Jan. 14, 2025)
Financial Obligation Date April 22, 2024 Aug. 5, 2024 Dec. 23, 2024
Registration Cancellation for Non-Payment* - #1 May 17, 2024 Aug. 5, 2024 Dec. 23, 2024
Registration Cancellation for Non-Payment* - #2
  Aug. 30, 2024 Jan. 17, 2025
Aid Applies to Accounts** May 16, 2024 Aug. 31, 2024 Jan. 18, 2025
Overage Direct Deposits sent to Banks (availability varies by bank) May 22, 2024 Sept. 4, 2024 Jan. 22, 2025
Overage Checks sent in the Mail May 23, 2024 Sept. 5, 2024 Jan. 23, 2025
Balance Due in Full*** June 3, 2024 Sept 16, 2024 Feb. 3, 2025
1st SCSU Payment Plan Due - pay 1/3 of charges June 3, 2024 Sept. 16, 2024 Feb. 3, 2025
Payment Plan Fee Applied - $30 June 4, 2024 Sept. 17, 2024 Feb. 4, 2025
2nd SCSU Payment Plan Due - pay 1/3 of charges June 17, 2024 Oct. 7, 2024 Feb. 24, 2025
Extended SCSU Payment Plan Due - full balance due July 8, 2024 Oct. 28, 2024 Mar. 17, 2025
Late Fee Applied - $50 July 9, 2024 Oct. 29, 2024 Mar. 18, 2025

*See Registration Cancellation for Non-Payment policy for more information.  To secure classes make a $300 safe harbor payment, file a FAFSA, etc.

**Aid applies to a students account on date noted or the start date of student's first course, whichever is later.

***All accounts with unpaid balance as of this date are enrolled in a payment plan and charged a $30 payment plan fee.


Payment and Fee Dates & Deadlines - Accelerated Program Courses

Payment and Fee Dates & Deadlines for Accelerated Program Courses
  Summer A Summer B Fall A Fall B
Classes Begin May 12, 2024 July 7, 2024 Sept. 1, 2024 Oct. 27, 2024
Financial Aid Applies May 13, 2024 July 8, 2024 Sept. 2, 2024 Oct. 28, 2024
End of Free Add/Drop May 17, 2024 July 12, 2024 Sept. 6, 2024 Nov. 1, 2024
Balance Due in Full May 21, 2024 July 16, 2024 Sept. 10, 2024 Nov. 5, 2024
Drop for Non-Payment May 22, 2024 July 17, 2024 Sept. 11, 2024 Nov. 6, 2024