PDP/PDR and Promotion/Tenure Overview

Appointment Type PDP PDR Evaluation Period
Fixed Term < 75%
Adjunct Faculty
Assistant Coaches < 75%
None None None
Fixed Term >= 75%
Head Coaches
Assistant Coaches >= 75%
Probationary Faculty >= 50%
Annually Annually Annually
Tenured and Non-Tenure Track below rank of Full Professor Every Two (2) Years Oral report to immediate supervisor in year one (1). PDR in year two (2). Every two (2) years thereafter
Tenured and Non-Tenure Track Full Professor Every Two (2) Years Summary report in year two (2). PDR in year four (4). Every four (4) years thereafter

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AY25 PDP and PDR Schedule

Academic Year 2024-25 PDP PDR

August 20 – September 18

First year faculty must turn their report in by the end of Spring semester of the first year.

Coaches’ PDR: 30 days following season or postseason and/or last scheduled day (whichever is later).


The faculty member shall prepare a report and send it to the Dean, together with the appropriate documentation describing progress made in respect to achieving their objectives as specified in their professional development plan.

A copy of the report along with appropriate documentation shall be sent to the department members through the department chairperson.

Between August 20 and October 4

Coaches’ PDR: 6 weeks after submission of report


Departments will provide written comments on the report to assist the faculty member in their professional development and, if applicable, provide guidance with respect to promotion and/or tenure.

Written comments will be forwarded to the faculty members and the appropriate Dean, their administrative designee, or other appropriate supervisor. The faculty member may make changes in their report based on faculty comments.

Between August 20 and October 4

Coaches’ PDR: 6 weeks after submission of report

Faculty member consults with immediate supervisor and prepares the professional development plan for the next period.

Faculty member meets with the dean to discuss achievements made during the current evaluation period.

On or before October 14

Coaches’ PDR: 8 weeks after submission of report

Faculty member provides a copy of the plan to the dean and to the department members via the Chair of the department.

A written summary of the Dean’s assessment of the faculty member’s accomplishments in respect to the faculty member’s plan, as they relate to the criteria, together with suggestions to guide future professional development activities, and any upcoming application fortenure and/or promotion, shall then be sent to the faculty member and placed in the faculty member’s official personnel file.

On or before October 28

Coaches’ PDR: 2 weeks after receipt of Athletic Director’s comments.

Written comments from department members are encouraged and must be shared with the faculty member along with comments to the Dean if the Dean requests a determination of how the plan relates to the department’s goals and objectives.

The faculty member may respond to the dean’s and department’s comments. These comments along with the faculty member’s responses are placed in the faculty member’s official personnel file.

In the case of nonrenewal of a first-year faculty member, this must be done by November 1.

On or before November 15

The Dean provides written comments to the faculty member along with comments on the goals and objectives that came from other faculty members.


On or before November 26

Faculty member responds to the comments from the dean.


AY 25 Promotion and Tenure Schedule

Academic Year 2024-25 Promotion and Tenure
August 20 - August 23 Departments shall establish a departmental calendar that will meet the tenure and promotion contractual deadline of January 31, 2025.
October 14 - November 1

Faculty member picks up tenure/promotion application materials from the dean’s office and sign for them.

The act of signing will be considered notification in writing of your intent to apply for promotion. We recommend that faculty notify their department of their intent to apply for promotion to allow time in the schedule for a complete department review.

January 31

Deadline for faculty to submit application for promotion and/or tenure with all required forms, documents, and supporting recommendations and documents to department.

February 3-14

Department, chair, and individual department members submit tenure/promotion recommendations to dean/immediate supervisor.

The faculty member under review must also be given copies of all recommendations that are sent to the dean/immediate supervisor.

February 18

Deadline for candidate for tenure/promotion to submit to the dean/immediate supervisor written responses the department, chair, and individual recommendations.

March 10

Dean/immediate supervisor notifies the candidate in writing of proposed tenure/promotion recommendation.

March 17
(Spring Break is March 3-7)

Candidate responds to preliminary tenure/promotion recommendation of dean/immediate supervisor.

March 24

Candidate submits written response to Dean’s/immediate supervisor’s tenure/promotion recommendation to the Provost.

April 17

Provost notifies candidate in writing of proposed tenure/promotion recommendation.

*May 1

Optional meeting with Provost concerning the tenure/promotion recommendation must be completed.

Provost forwards promotion/tenure recommendation along with any written responses from the candidate to the president.

The candidate may respond in writing to the tenure recommendation. These comments are attached to the tenure recommendation of the Provost when the recommendation is sent to the President.

May 10

Optional meetings with president must be complete. All candidates for promotion have the option of meeting with the president. Candidates for tenure have the option of meeting with the president if you have received a recommendation for denial of tenure from the department, chair, dean/immediate supervisor, or the provost. Candidates may choose to be accompanied by an Association Representative.

June 15

President delivers tenure/promotion recommendation to candidate in writing via either hand delivered or first-class mail.

If the President denies promotion the candidate may request and shall be furnished, written indication of deficiencies and guidance concerning action to overcome such deficiencies.

June 16, 2025 - January 15*, 2026

Candidates who were turned down fortenure have the option of meeting with the president.

On or before February 5, 2026

Any change in the tenure decision shall be communicated to the faculty member in writing within fifteen (15) days of meeting with the president.

If the contractual deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday the deadline is extended until the following Monday or the following day proceeding the holiday.

Download a PDF of the AY25 Schedule

Past Years' PDP/PDR/Promotion/Tenure Schedules