Sabbatical Leave

Applications for sabbatical leave, including all required signatures, are due in the Office of Academic Affairs no later than November 1 each year. 

For specific deadlines and forms, visit SCSU's Human Resources time off/leave of absence web page

These guidelines were last updated 9/19/2024.

Purpose and Criteria:

The purpose of a sabbatical leave is to enhance professional development, support department/unit goals, and/or meet the instructional, service, or research priorities of the university. (IFO Agreement, Article 19, Section C).

The President/designee may grant a sabbatical leave to an eligible faculty member who proposes to undertake a scholarly research project, additional study, or other endeavor related to the purpose described above. At the beginning of each academic year, the President, after meeting and conferring with the Association, will establish a schedule for application, consideration and announcement of the sabbatical leaves (IFO Agreement, Article 19, Section C, Subd. 1).

Faculty members on sabbatical leave may accept scholarships, fellowships, grants, or employment during the sabbatical leave, provided such scholarships, fellowships, grants, or employment afford experience which serves the purpose of the sabbatical leave (IFO Agreement, Article 19, Section C, Subd. 5).

Application for Sabbatical Leave (Human Resources)

Award Duration

  1. One semester at full base salary.
  2. One academic year at 80% of base salary or,
  3. At the request of a faculty member, and with the written approval of the President/designee, a spring semester-fall semester sabbatical may be granted at 80% of base salary (A faculty member on a spring semester – fall semester sabbatical is neither precluded from nor guaranteed work during the intervening summer session. For part-time faculty members, the amount of sabbatical pay shall be adjusted pro rata.

Award Conditions

  1. The faculty member’s proposal for sabbatical leave shall include a satisfactory written plan consistent with the purpose outlined above.
  2. The faculty member shall agree in writing to return to the university after the conclusion of the sabbatical and provide twelve (12) credits of instruction or an equivalent amount of non-credit generating faculty work for each semester of leave taken. In the event the faculty member fails to follow the intent of his/her plan or to return to the university to provide the aforementioned service after the conclusion of the sabbatical, the faculty member shall refund to the university salary paid, not including benefits, during that sabbatical period. The return service obligation shall be waived if i) the university retrenches or otherwise terminates the faculty member’s employment at the conclusion of the sabbatical, or ii) if a documented medical condition precludes the faculty member from resuming work as a faculty member (IFO Agreement, Article 19, Section C, Subd.3).

Applicant Criteria

Contractual Sabbatical
To be awarded:

  1. After a year of service following an initial award of tenure
  2. 10 years or more of service since the conclusion of previous sabbatical leave.

Discretionary Sabbatical
To be Awarded:

  1. At least 7 years of service at the university
  2. At least 6 years since conclusion of previous sabbatical leave

Preparing the Narrative

  1. Include your name and page number in the header of each page, including any appendices.
  2. Limit body of application to five double-spaced pages.
  3. Address explicitly all of the following in the order outlined below.
    1. Project Overview. Give a brief overview of the proposed project.
    2. Project Need. How does the sabbatical project meet the faculty member’s professional
      development needs and Article 22 goals?
    3. Project Goals. What specific goals does the project have?
    4. Project Strategy. How is the faculty member planning to approach the project? How does
      the approach reflect appropriate professional practices for scholarship, research, creative work, professional study, professional endeavors, or professional service?
    5. Project Outcomes and Benefit to the Applicant, Department, and University. What
      specifically will be the final product(s) or outcome(s) of the projects? How will the final outcome(s) benefit the applicant, department, and university?
    6. Contingency Plan. If sabbatical plan is contingent on acceptance by an organization or program (e.g., Semester at Sea, Fulbright Scholar, etc.), include an acceptable alternative sabbatical plan in case the original plan does not materialize.

External Funding, SCSU Resources, Another Institution, or Grant Support

The request for the following information in no way implies that external funding, extra SCSU resources, or support from other institutions are required for a sabbatical leave. If you do need any of the following, please indicate clearly how it will affect your proposal.

  1. External Funding. If the sabbatical project will be supported by external funds or grants, identify any outside source(s) of funding and indicate if the sabbatical project is contingent on such funds.
  2. Demand for SCSU Resources. Faculty members on sabbatical leave retain access to their
    office, computer and file/web space, phone, email, library resources, and Professional Development funds. If the sabbatical project demands any additional resources from SCSU, what are those demands? Indicate if the sabbatical project is contingent on such resources.
  3. Sabbatical Leave at Another Institution or Organization. If the faculty member will be working at another institution or organization during the sabbatical, document proof of the institution or organization commitment. Address the following issues as appropriate in separate appendices.
    1. Statement of Intent. Attach a statement of intent from the host or supporting institution or organization documenting support for the project, including resource commitment.
    2. Project Approval. Document proof that the host has received and approved the
      project proposal.
    3. Information about Host Institution or Organization. Provide information about the host or supporting institution or organization, including information regarding individuals who would participate in the project.

Review process

The Professional Development Committee is charged with peer review of sabbatical requests. The committee sees sabbatical leaves as means for professionals to meet contractual obligations, as defined and emphasized by the faculty member proposing sabbatical leave.

Hints for Preparing a Successful Sabbatical Application

  1. Number of years of service: Count your number of service years by adding one year to the current service years on the IFO Seniority Roster.
  2. The most effective proposals will be presented in such a way as to make sense to faculty from all the university’s academic units. The faculty member must be able to articulate and to conceptualize to the university community at large the value of the proposed work.
  3. Please limit the body of your proposal to five pages, double spaced. You may attach any relevant appendices that are necessary to support your proposal.
  4. Make sure the application is complete and includes required signatures.