Time Block Scheduling

The Course Time Block Schedule is designed to provide students the opportunity to have as many classes as possible without scheduling conflicts so they can progress toward graduation; to provide flexibility to accommodate varied instructional pedagogies; and to allow for optimal classroom utilization.

Standard time blocks are 50, 75, 110, 170, and/or 230 minutes. These blocks are designed to accommodate undergraduate one credit, two credit, three credit, four credit, and five credit courses, studios, and labs. The schedule intentionally resets at 11 a.m., 2 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.

Courses scheduled outside of any of these time blocks require a submission of an Exception Form to be considered.

See the Time Blocks for:

Standard Course Time Blocks

Monday-Friday Standard Courses
Time 50 min 75 min 110 min 170 min 230 min
8:00 8-8:50 8-9:15 N/A N/A
8:30 N/A N/A
9:00 9-9:50 9-10:50 N/A N/A
9:30 9:30-10:45 N/A N/A
10:00 10-10:50 N/A N/A
10:30 N/A N/A
11:00 11-11:50 11-12:15 11-12:50 N/A N/A
11:30 N/A N/A
12:00 12-12:50 N/A N/A
12:30 12:30-1:45 N/A N/A
1:00 1-1:50 N/A N/A
1:30 N/A N/A
2:00 2-2:50 2-3:15 2-3:50 2-4:50 N/A
2:30 2:30-5:20 N/A
3:00 3-3:50 3-4:50 N/A
3:30 3:30-4:45 N/A
4:00 4-4:50 N/A
4:30 N/A
5:00 N/A
5:30 5:30-6:20 5:30-6:45 5:30-7:20 5:30-8:20 5:30-9
6:00 6-6:50 6-7:15 6-7:50 6-8:50
6:30 6:30-7:20 6:30-7:45 6:30-8:20 6:30-9:20
7:00 7-7:50 7-8:15 7-8:50
7:30 7:30-8:20 7:30-8:45 7:30-9:20

The last class start time is 7:30 p.m.

Lab and Studio Time Block Schedule

Monday-Friday Lab/Studio Classes
Time 50 min 75 min 110 min 170 min
8:00 8-8:50 8-9:15 8-10:50
9:00 9-9:50 9-10:50
9:30 9:30-10:45
10:00 10-10:50
11:00 11-11:50 11-12:15 11-12:50 11-1:50
12:00 12-12:50
12:30 12:30-1:45
1:00 1-1:50
2:00 2-2:50 2-3:15 2-3:50 2-4:50
2:30 2:30-5:20
3:00 3-3:50 3-4:50
3:30 3:30-4:45
4:00 4-4:50
5:30 5:30-6:20 5:30-6:45 5:30-7:20 5:30-8:20
6:00 6-6:50 6-7:15 6-7:50 6-8:50
6:30 6:30-7:20 6:30-7:45 6:30-8:20 6:30-9:20
7:00 7-7:50 7-8:15 7-8:50
7:30 7:30-8:20 7:30-8:45 7:30-9:20

The last lab/studio start time is 7:30 p.m.

Class Meeting Schedule (per credit)

Number of Class Meetings per Week
Length of Class Meeting 50 min 75 min 110 min 170 min 230 min
1-credit course 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2-credit course 2 N/A 1 N/A N/A
3-credit course 3 2 N/A 1 N/A
4-credit course 4 N/A 2 N/A 1
5-credit course 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A


The use of non‐standard time blocks may reduce the number of classes a student may take, which may limit progress to degree completion and/or increasing the length of time to graduation. It may also impact classroom utilization by reducing the number of classes that can be offered in a classroom/lab. 

In the cases where an exception is necessary, the following process exists:

  • The department chair submits a Request for Standard Time Block Exception Form to their dean.
  • If the request could impact programs outside of the college/school, discuss with your dean prior to submission.
  • If the dean is in support of the exception request, they will move it forward to the provost or provost’s designee.
  • The decision will be communicated, electronically, to the department chairperson and the registrar by the dean or the dean’s designee.
  • The college/school is responsible for maintaining the official decision documentation.

Note: Courses that are approved for exception may require a special final exam schedule. Please consult with the dean.

The following courses may be granted exception by the dean without participating in the exception

  • Graduate courses (600‐level+)
  • Junior and senior College of Education and Learning Design program blocks that accommodate K‐12 schedules
  • K‐12 field experience courses that accommodate K‐12 schedules; consultation with the dean of the College of Education and Learning Design is highly encouraged

Records and Registration provides a report for each college/school identifying course sections scheduled outside the standard time blocks without an approved exception. Deans are to work with departments to resolve discrepancies.

Fill out the exception form