Current and Former Student Enrollment/Degree Verification

Whenever possible, the student should request proof of enrollment and degree and provide this information to the appropriate third parties.

Verification Requests for insurance purposes must processed through Records and Registration due to the need to include GPA. Please mail or bring your enrollment verification form to Records and Registration, 118 Administrative Services or fax the form to (320) 308-2059. 

The National Student Clearinghouse Self-Service is a secure site providing 24/7 access to student enrollment information. Enrollment certificates can be printed on demand. Third parties requesting enrollment verification on behalf of a student should contact the National Student Clearinghouse for support using the university's code 002377 for verification requests.

National Student Clearinghouse
self-service website


The Office of Records and Registration works closely with students who are veterans of the U.S. military or their dependents to ensure receipt and continuation of military benefits. Please consult the St. Cloud State University Veteran/GI Bill Benefits website for information.

Enrollment Verification Credit Status

Verification requests may require indication of "full-time" or "half-time" enrollment status. SCSU follows University policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 in providing this information. The following definitions for full-time and half-time status:

Definitions of Half- and Full-time students table

Undergraduate Students

Full-time - 12 or more semester credits
Half-time - 6-11 semester credits

Graduate Students

Full-time - 6 or more semester credits
Half-time - 3-5 semester credits

Doctoral Students

Full-time - 6 or more semester credits
Half-time - 3-5 semester credits

Note: Financial Aid enrollment requirements may be different. Review the Financial Aid Enrollment Requirements in the Policies and Guidelines section for current information.