Student Accessibility Services

Critical Accessibility Supports for Remote Teaching

Extended Testing Time

Please be aware of your students’ individual accommodations as indicated on the Accommodations Letter sent by Student Accessibility Services. Students may also be in touch via email to provide a gentle reminder that they are provided with their approved extended testing time of 1.5x or 2x for any exams given remotely. Follow the steps in the video for providing Special Access to a quiz when needing to adjust testing time for individualized accommodations. If exams are given remotely for the whole class, students with testing accommodations will be taking them remotely as well. SAS will work with you and the student to ensure their accommodations can be met.

Accessible Documents

Documents provided on D2L need to be accessible to students with disabilities. For documents created using the Microsoft Office Suite, the built-in accessibility checkers will provide feedback on errors and guidance on how to fix them.

Scanned PDFs are not accessible. If posting scanned PDFs on D2L, prior to doing so, please convert to an accessible PDF.  If you need assistance, please contact Student Accessibility Services for guidance on how to ensure they are accessible for our students who use Screen Readers or Text to Speech programs.

Text Equivalents for Audio and Video

For any recordings, either audio or video, a text equivalent should be provided. Provide a transcript for audio recordings and all videos must be captioned. The best way to create a text equivalent is to write a script and record from that. You can also use auto-generated captioning tools (Zoom/YouTube/Kaltura/MediaSpace). You will need to edit the file to be accurate; auto-generated transcripts are typically only about 60%-70% accurate. Contact Student Accessibility Services so we can make a plan for your class.

Text Equivalents for Images

Any images included in the course site should have a text description. In documents, the accessibility checker will advise on how to add a text description. In D2L, the image uploader has a field for alt text, which is where you can add a brief description of the image. 

Further Information

Please contact Student Accessibility Services with any questions or concerns.