Student Accessibility Services

Meeting with SAS

Creating a Connection and Building Partnership

Welcome Meeting

The Welcome Meeting is a time for students and SAS staff to connect and begin to build a partnership.  The purpose of this meeting is to determine what accommodations and/or supports will provide reasonable and equitable access to learning.

What to expect

  • Plan for a 1-hour meeting
  • On campus or Zoom options available
  • Share your story. Learning about your experiences
  • Lots of information. When determining accommodations there will be details about processes to use accommodations, how the office operates, and suggestions/tips for learning.

How to prepare

  • Think about what you need in the classes you are enrolled in.
  • Communicate needed accommodations or considerations for the meeting with SAS.
  • We will likely have questions that help us determine what the best options are for your accommodation.
  • It is good to know we will ask things like:
    • How and why are we getting connected? 
    • What is your condition, how does it impact you at school? 
    • What accommodations are you requesting? 
    • What are the barriers you are currently experiencing or have in the past?


Update Meeting

The Update Meeting gives students registered with SAS the chance to check-in and review their accommodations.  This meeting is to formally update accommodation for the current or a future semester.

Students are responsible for scheduling an update meeting with SAS before their accommodations are approved for the coming/current semester.

What to expect

  • Plan for a 30-minute meeting
  • On campus or Zoom options available
  • SAS will review currently approved accommodations and discuss how they are working or being used
  • We will talk about campus resources and connections and address any concerns

How to prepare

  • Students DO NOT need to resubmit an Accommodation Request or documentation to update accommodations unless specifically requested by SAS.
  • If requesting new accommodation or a significant alteration to the current plan, prepare to communicate with SAS about what the current barriers are and why an adjustment is needed. 
  • Students do not need to bring anything to this meeting unless they have updates to share with SAS.


Consultation Meeting

The Consult Meeting offers ANYONE the chance to meet with the Student Accessibility Services for various reasons.

Here are just a few ways the Consult Meeting can be used:

  • Student interested in what SAS does and seeking more information
  • Students who have been referred to SAS
  • Students seeking support as the work through the accommodation request process
  • Faculty/staff wanting to consult about an accommodation, student concern, or access issue
  • Community member/organization seeking information about SAS
  • High School instructors/staff/administration seeking more information or collaboration

What to expect

  • Reserved for 30-minutes via Zoom web meeting, phone call, or in person
  • SAS staff will be available to answer questions, address concerns, provide information, review a specific request, etc.
  • SAS will not provide specific disability-related information about any student without their written consent

Schedule a Meeting

We welcome, and encourage, anyone with access concerns about services, resources, & supports!