Student Accessibility Services

Using Your Accommodations

Accommodation Services

Testing Accommodations

Students must be registered with SAS and have currently approved testing accommodations to utilize the SAS Testing Center.  Students must Update Accommodations each semester before scheduling exams.

Exam Scheduling Process

  1. Complete the SAS Exam Request Form at least 3 business days in advance of test date
  2. Once approved by instructor, student will receive confirmation email of scheduled exam session
  3. Review testing exam requests through your SAS Student Request Platform


To cancel or change the details of an exam request, please contact or call 320-308-4080 as soon as possible (24 hours advanced notice preferred),

Important Testing Information

  • Exams must be scheduled a minimum of 3 business days in advance 
  • Generally, tests should be scheduled the same day/time as the class
  • For exams outside of regular business hours (8am-4:30pm), student & faculty should determine a time within SAS hours of operation
  • All exams must be completed by 4:30pm Monday-Friday
  • All communication will be delivered to students SCSU email address
  • No exams will be scheduled less than 24 hours in advance
  • SAS testing center is not available on university observed closures/holidays

SAS Testing Center Policy Overview

  • Arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled exam time
  • Provide picture ID at check in
  • No electronic devices permitted in testing rooms (cell phones, smartwatches, Bluetooth headphones, etc.)
  • Testing rooms are monitored at all times
  • Issues or concerns of exam integrity are documented and reported to faculty
  • Exam “No Shows” are reported to faculty


Alternate Formatted Textbooks

  • Students are encouraged to purchase textbooks in an electronic format for best access. (Many publishers will not provide electronic versions to SAS if an electronic version is available for purchase)
  • When only physical copies are available, students can request an electronic version compatible with their assistive technology.
  • Textbook requests are usually processed within 1-2 weeks of submission, but please allow up to 4 weeks for fulfillment.
  • SAS will contact students directly with updates to their request as needed.
  • If an electronic version is not available, SAS will work with students to determine the best way to access information.

Requesting Electronic Textbooks

  1. Complete the Alternate Format Textbook Request
  2. Attach receipt of purchase (materials will not be shared without proof of purchase) to the form.
  3. Once processed, SAS sends link to electronic textbook via OneDrive
  4. Contact with any questions related to a pending request

Textbook Use Agreements

  • Shared textbook files are for educational purposes only and cannot be shared, distributed, sold, or altered in any way.
  • Purchase of the textbook is required.
  • Electronic files are the property of the publisher and are shared with SAS to ensure students access to materials.
  • SAS reserves the right to manage the files in accordance with students' needs per semester.

Audio Recording Lectures

Students approved to audio record lectures must review and abide by the Audio Recording Lecture Guidance.

  • Cell phones, digital audio recorders, laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices can be used to audio record lectures
  • All recorded lecture information is the intellectual property of the speaker/instructor and does not belong to the student recording

Audio Recording Lecture Guidance

Commonly Used Recording Apps


Volunteer Note-Taker

Students are encouraged to attend class at least once to determine if the course in structured in a way that could lead to missed information.  Volunteer note-takers can help with access to material, but SAS cannot guarantee the quality, consistency, or frequency of volunteers' notes.

Requesting Volunteer Note-Taker

  1. Complete the Note-Taker Request Form each semester for which you are seeking a note taker
  2. SAS will contact the course instructor with information about how to find a volunteer
  3. When a volunteer is identified, they will connect with SAS and be officially listed for the course
  4. Volunteer note taker will provide SAS notes [electronically] on a regular basis 
  5. SAS will share the received notes electronically with student who requested them

This is an anonymous process. The requesting student’s name is not shared with the volunteer. Volunteers take notes as they naturally would and share them with SAS as a support service. If students identify a friend or classmate in the course willing to share notes, they should coordinate directly with them.

In the event a volunteer note taker is not identified, SAS will work to determine alternate accommodations that provide access.