International Student and Scholar Services

Application Process


Once students are nominated by their home university, St. Cloud State University will work with the student to ensure the required paperwork is submitted. Please find information about the application process below.

Application Timeline

Fall (August) Admission Timeline

Spring (January) Admission Timeline

Online Application Process

Students complete the application to St. Cloud State through our online application portal. Please find the application links below. To access the form, students will need to create a user account and upload general information.

All Semester at SCSU Students

Rikkyo University

Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology (BIPT)

Application Requirements

Applicants must submit all required documents by the application deadline. All documents must be written in English. If written in another language, an official English translation must be attached. All documents must be submitted via the online application.

  1. Semester at St. Cloud State Application Form
  2. Proof of Language Proficiency
  3. Official academic transcript from home institution (English or with English translation)
  4. Passport Information
  5. Financial Documentation
  6. Course Selection Form

Language Requirements

Financial Documentation

English Requirements

Explore more on the English Proficiency requirements.

Academic Calendar

Current and upcoming Academic Calendars for St. Cloud State University.